You're busy running your company. You just want to do what you do best, and that’s coach, speak, teach, and create. But you also want to be seen as an expert and paid well. And we all know that getting the paid speaking engagements and landing high-ticket clients is about more than expertise. You have to be packaged with words that convey your brilliance and bolster your brand. That’s exactly what I'm here for.

I’m Stefanie, ghostwriter and brand storyteller. I love making life and success easier for women by making writing stress-free. You share your genius, and I’ll take it from there.

About Me


Fear will keep you in a place.

Best Advice I Ever Received

JellyBelly Jelly Beans 

Favorite Superwoman Writing Snack

Giving Gifts, Dessert, Motivating Women, Babies, and Ugg Boots 

5 Things I Can’t Live Without


My Power Color 

how about a quick rundown?

fun facts

My free audio guide to help you elevate your voice, increase your impact, and position yourself as the authority you know you are.

The Thought Leader Toolkit 

want a jumpstart?

Whether it’s creating an applause-worthy bio that captures your impact or writing that book because you don’t have the time, I am here to do the word-work so that you can work your worth. I help you to create opportunities and increase in your business. Increased influence. Increased visibility. Increased revenue. Together, we can create the compelling words you need to move your life and business ahead.

why we should work together

My mission is simple: to ensure every woman I write for gets the recognition and revenue that she deserves.

sign me up!

My free audio guide to help you elevate your voice, increase your impact, and position yourself as the authority you know you are.

The Thought Leader Toolkit 

thank you!